Privacy Matters at UBC

Every year the University of British Columbia (UBC) must train their staff of 20,000 employees across their Vancouver and Okanagan campuses on privacy and information security.  Higher education institutions are often the target of data breaches, and the Privacy Matters @ UBC initiative aims to increase awareness and training faculty and stuff in taking an active role in keeping data secure.

UBC Studios and Privacy Matters @ UBC partnered together to create a series of interactive Articulate-built courses embedded with 2D explainer animation videos to train employees on the information needed to protect personal information and to keep UBC’s data secure.

As the primary user experience designer and animator, I was tasked with building out 6 modules of interactive courses and creating the accompanying animations.
Instructional Designer
User Experience Designer
Worked With
Chris Spencer / Producer
Grace Cheng / Project Manager
UBC Studios
Privacy Matters @ UBC
Providing Effective Instructional Design Solutions for Client
Already familiar with the target user, the Privacy Matters team was able to provided the script content and branding guideline from their IT department. As the instructional designer I reviewed the scripts and their anecdotal research findings on their target audience, and proposed several interactive course experiences that synthesized text slides, animations, motion, graphics, and light engagement interactive activities.

I quickly understood that in order to streamline the user experience the design would need to rely on these core UX principles:

1. Quick and easy
2. Actionable
3. Make it easy to understand using clever repetition (that doesn’t get boring!)
Web-Responsive Design & Extensive User-Testing
Since our client needed some time to decide on what Learning Management System (LMS) platform we would deploy this course, I had to maintain an agile workflow. By staying constantly on top of user-testing across different web browsers and screen sizes, I was able to ensure with my team that the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) package could be ready for product deployment across a variety of potential platforms.
Developing Visuals for Animations
Below are some screenshots of some select visual development work completed for the project.
Final Demo
Feel free to watch a recorded demo that I shared on a slide deck presentation that I talked through at the annual Instructional Design Community of Practice forum at UBC. The course material was positively received by the community with lots of interest in how we implemented our collaborative design workflow, which involved lots of documentation and communication updates for our satisfied client.
Presentation Slidedeck
You can also view the presentation slide deck online here. We built out 6 web-responsive modules using the user-experience course framework that I helped develop, and it continues to train faculty and staff every year.